Chinese translation for "主要家庭成员"
- principal family member
Related Translations:
主要收益: major incomeprimary income
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | There ' s also a roster of key family members , a glossary , sailing terms 这里有主要家庭成员名单,还有一份关于航海的术语表 | | 2. | The whereabouts of the principal members of his family spouse and minor children . a person shall 该人的主要家庭成员(配偶及未成年子女)的所在。 | | 3. | The whereabouts of the principal members of his family ( spouse and minor children ) . a person shall 该人的主要家庭成员(配偶及未成年子女)的所在。 |
- Similar Words:
- "主要计划" Chinese translation, "主要计划及细部计划" Chinese translation, "主要计划指标" Chinese translation, "主要计时器" Chinese translation, "主要记录器" Chinese translation, "主要加速成分" Chinese translation, "主要价先顶目" Chinese translation, "主要价值" Chinese translation, "主要价值是人造纤维" Chinese translation, "主要价值主值" Chinese translation