| 1. | A drystone wall enclosed a graveyard where wildflowers grew . 清水石墙环抱着野花丛生的墓地。 |
| 2. | The water was level and easy, soft blue, the grass brilliant, spattered with wildflowers . 水面平伏无波,一片浅蓝色。青草翠绿油光,间杂着野花朵朵。 |
| 3. | Wildflowers in full bloom - tokyo metropolitan government 野花盛开-东京都 |
| 4. | In tree or wildflower gentle lunatic 无论是树还是野花都有些淡淡的疯狂 |
| 5. | Every crevice was sprouting grass and even small wildflowers 石壁的裂缝里长满了野草甚至小野花。 |
| 6. | This spring , i started a wildflower garden in our yard 今年春天,我在自家院子里开辟了一片野花花园。 |
| 7. | When i was a kid , i would pick wildflowers for my mom or make a card 当我还小的时候,我会摘野花或是做卡片送我妈妈。 |
| 8. | A ground squirrel emerges into a field of wildflowers in the canadian rockies 在加拿大的落基山脉里,一只地鼠在野花丛中冒出了地面。 |
| 9. | From historic st . george ' s to wildflowers to the 22 - square mile island oozes charm 曾经多次来百慕大旅游的希拉里戈登最近刚搬到岛上来。 |
| 10. | Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway i travel daily to work 每年春天都会有一些野花在我每日上班的高速路旁的沟渠中盛开。 |