Drive me to vincennes . it ' s cold . i ' ll take the metro 把我送到文塞尼斯。天太冷了,我要去坐地铁。
Universit de paris viii - vincennes saint denis 巴黎第八大学
The spirit of vincennes rendezvous is a revolutionary war battle re - enactment held annually on memorial day weekend 温森斯会合纪念日会于每年国殇日那个周末举办,它会重新上演独立战争此一戏码。
" well , " continued the latter , " since that heart is no longer with you in the bois de vincennes , it is elsewhere , and i must go and find it . “嗯!既然那颗心已不再跟你一同在万森树林了,它就是到别处,而我必须去找到它。 ”
You want me cornered professionally because i spoke at the faculty of vincennes for two years and they say , you say , that i don ' t do a thing there anymore 你要我在专业上自行隐退,因为我在温西尼大学主讲了两年,据你或别人所云,毫无作为及新义可陈。
" pistols , then , at eight o clock , in the bois de vincennes , " said beauchamp , quite disconcerted , not knowing if he was dealing with an arrogant braggadocio or a supernatural being “那末,是用手枪,八点钟,在万森树林。 ”波尚神情狼狈地说,不知道对方究竟是一个傲慢的自大者还是一个超人。
Mr . yip received his mba from the wharton school and his msee and bsee from the university of pennsylvania . he also holds an associate degree from vincennes university in indiana , with a scholarship from c . w . chu foundation 叶先生于宾夕凡尼亚大学沃顿学院取得工商管理硕士学位,并在该大学取得电子工程硕士学位及学士学位。
They have rarely been successful . those that have been crowned with full success have been long meditated upon , and carefully arranged ; such , for instance , as the escape of the duc de beaufort from the chateau de vincennes , that of the abb 那些最终成功的人,都经过了长期的计划和小心安排的,举些例子来说,如波福公爵之逃出万森堡,杜布古神甫之逃出伊微克堡,拉都特之逃出巴士底监狱。
A worthy man is gilles lecornu , brother to master jehan lecornu , provost of the royal palais , son of master mahiet lecornu , head keeper of the forest of vincennes , all good citizens of paris , married every one of them from father to son 尊敬的吉尔?勒科尼,是御膳总管约翰?勒科尼公的兄弟,樊尚林苑首席守林官马伊埃?勒科尼公的儿子,个个都是巴黎的市民,从父到子,个个都是成了家的。 ”