| 1. | Urgent relief fund for madam tan chang - lin 赠谭长连女士急难救助金 |
| 2. | Concern for the families of police officers killed in the line of duty and contribution of urgent relief funds 关怀因公殉职警员的家属,致赠急难补助金 |
| 3. | Urgent relief fund for 2 child protection cases , under the social affairs department of the miaoli county government 捐助苗栗县政府社会科儿童保护个案二人之急难救助金20 , 000 |
| 4. | Contributing urgent relief supplies through the ren - ai township office to local residents affected by landslides brought on by typhoon mindulle in mountainous areas of nantou 敏督利台风造成南投山区严重土石流,捐赠紧急物资给南投县仁爱乡灾民,由乡公所代为转交 |
| 5. | The cwb and the associated road p2 network will provide urgent relief to the traffic congestion problem in central and indeed the whole northern shore of the hong kong island 中环湾仔绕道及相关的p2道路网可解决中区以至整个港岛北岸迫切的塞车问题。市民普遍接受这些道路急需建造。 |
| 6. | In yuanbao , they learned that water levels had risen above the second story of the region s buildings and several farmhouses had been washed away . fortunately , however the local red cross had already distributed the most urgent relief provisions to the villagers 来到元宝乡时,从村民口中得知,水位最高时有两层楼房的高度,有几户农家的房子被洪水冲毁,幸而当地的红十字会已派发过紧急物资,村民暂脱困境! |
| 7. | Besides the existing redress system , in order to realize counterpart ' s right , the paper also assumes two systems provide instant redress to procedural right , one is urgent relief by public force such as government , another is self - preservation by counterpart ' s right of resistance 为实现相对人的权利,除要以现有的救济制度实现之,本文还设想并论证了两项对程序权利提供即时救济的制度:一是由政府提供紧急公力救济,二是以相对人的抵抗权进行自力救济。 |
| 8. | The december 2004 indian ocean tsunamis that ravaged south asia also struck east africa several thousand kilometers away . huge tidal waves hit towns and villages along the eastern and northeastern coasts of somalia , killing at least two hundred people , swallowing hundreds of fishing boats and leaving tens of thousands of victims in need of urgent relief 此次南亚地震引发的大海啸,波及了远在数千公里以外的东非,巨浪冲向索马利亚东部和东北部沿海的城镇与村庄,造成至少二百人丧生,以及逾百艘渔船失踪,成千上万的民众急需救援。 |
| 9. | Typhoon aere and the september 11 , 2004 flood disaster caused severe devastation in some of our county s townships and cities , threatening the lives of our people , incurring loss of property and adversely affecting the environment . thank you for your urgent relief in the affected areas , your efforts to restore and disinfect the environment and your commitment to ensuring the safety of our people . also , thank you for accomplishing the restoration work in the affected areas in the shortest possible time so as to allow our people to resume their normal lives and our students to return to school 艾莉台风及九一一水灾接踵而至,造成本县部分乡镇市严重灾情,威胁居民生命安全,造成财产损失,影响环境品质,承蒙鼎力协助受灾地区紧急救援环境清理整顿及消毒工作,确保居民生命安全,并使灾区于最短时间内完成复原工作,恢复民众作息及学童正常上课,将灾害影响降至最低,实为本县县民之福,此恩此德县民感戴于心,特函致意。 |
| 10. | " to bring urgent relief to traffic congestion , the only feasible and environmentally acceptable way is to construct the four - kilometre - long central - wan chai bypass through the reclamation , and enhance the existing road network . " the new link will connect the rumsey street flyover with the island eastern corridor via the island eastern corridor link 要减轻这些道路的负荷,唯一可行的方法,是在中区现有的海岸线以外,透过填海提供土地,兴建长达4公里的中环-湾仔绕道,连接林士街天桥和东区走廊,同时强化现有的道路网,疏导交通。 |