uniform: adj.1.(形状、性质等)一样的,同一的;一致的;相同的。2.一贯不变的;始终如一的。3.规格一致的,均匀的,齐一的。短语和例子be uniform in size [shape] 大小[形状]一律。n.1.制服;军服;〔the uniform〕 军人。2.通讯中用以代表字母 u 的词。短语和例子an undress uniform 军便服。 a full-dress u
crop: n.1.农作物,庄稼;收获;收成;〔the crops〕 一季的收获量,产量。2.(同一时期出现的人物等)一批,一群,大量。3.剪短;短发。4.猎鞭;鞭柄。5.〔鸟〕嗉囊。6.(家畜的)耳印。7.(树等的)顶,梢,尖儿;【建筑】叶尖;【矿物】露头。短语和例子an abundant [a bumper] crop丰收。 a bad [poor] crop歉收。 a rice
It is obvious from the results given above that a strategy for fertilizer application is needed if uniform crop growth and yield along the slope is desired and the maximum benefit from the application can be realized 从上面的数据明显看出,如果想使作物在坡地上生长和产量上下一致,并可通过施肥获得最大效益,就需要施肥策略。