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 vt.  (-took; -taken ) 1.承担;承办;答应,约定 (to do sth.)。 2.担保,保证 (that)。  3....  detail>>
to undertake a task
承担任务  detail>>
to undertake obligation
承担义务  detail>>
undertake a journey
去旅行  detail>>
undertake responsibility
承担责任  detail>>
undertake the printing of
承印  detail>>
undertake the treatment
论治 施治 着手治疗  detail>>
undertake to do
承诺  detail>>
undertake verb
承担/答应做某事  detail>>
enter into or undertake sth formally
正式缔结或确定  detail>>
take charge of undertake
担任  detail>>
to undertake an enterprise
创办事业  detail>>
to undertake self-administered operation
自主经营  detail>>
undertake = set about = attempt
着手做…  detail>>
undertake a glorious task
肩负光荣任务  detail>>
undertake a second job
从事第二职业  detail>>
undertake an affair personally
躬亲其事  detail>>
undertake an enterprise
创办企业  detail>>