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the river nairajanā
希连禅  detail>>
otherwise said to be the nairajan
尸赖  detail>>
a river
一道河  detail>>
a river is
河是  detail>>
by the river
三八河边 在河边  detail>>
in the river
在河里  detail>>
of the river
河流  detail>>
on a river
在河边  detail>>
 n.  1.河,江。 Rriver Thames 或 the R- Thames 泰晤士河; the Hudson R- 〔美国〕哈得孙河。 the Rriver of...  detail>>
the river
大河/河流/ 河界 怒河春醒 英文俗称为 蜿蜒于南天的一个大星座  detail>>
there is a river
我有一条河 有一条河  detail>>
this river
这条河  detail>>
river bank; beside the river
江畔  detail>>
river silt; river mud
河肥  detail>>
superimposed river(superposed river)
河;叠置河  detail>>
a branch of a river
河汊  detail>>
a broad river
宽阔的河  detail>>
a good river
畅通的河道  detail>>