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the nirvāa-method
寂灭法  detail>>
eternal peace nirvāa
常寂  detail>>
his nirvāa
涅盘妙  detail>>
nirvāa as the fruit of extinction
灭果  detail>>
nirvāa or the absolute
寂静门  detail>>
the knowledge and experience of nirvāa
解脱知见  detail>>
the shore of peace nirvāa
寂岸  detail>>
peace eternal eternal nirvāa
寂常  detail>>
the lion of nirvāa ākyamuni
寂业师子  detail>>
hīnayāna discipline to ensure nirvāa
寂静行  detail>>
the hīnayāna nirvāa-realm or border
寂然界  detail>>
 n.  1.方法,方式;顺序。 2.(思想、言谈上的)条理,规律,秩序。 3.【生物学】分类法。 4. 〔M-〕【戏剧】融入法〔指演员完全...  detail>>
s method
比尔肖夫斯基法 大脑中央沟定位法 塞因法  detail>>
the method
职场无间道  detail>>
comparative method; method of comparison
比较法  detail>>
demonstration method method of
demonstration示范法  detail>>
diagnostic method; method of diagnosis
诊断法  detail>>
drill method practice method
练习法  detail>>