| 1. | I am afraid he lacks the killer instinct . 我看他不够心狠手辣。 |
| 2. | The killer never repented the crime he committed 凶手对其所犯的罪行从不后悔。 |
| 3. | It ' s not enough to just admire the killer , is it 光佩服那个杀人犯还不够,是吗? |
| 4. | In the car that led to the killers ' arrest 在后来凶手被擒的车里对她的情人说道。 |
| 5. | Bring me a drop of the killer ' s . - i know about you -给我一滴凶手的-我知道你 |
| 6. | Then decorated the killer eyes , ears , mouth and nose 然后拼出凶手的眼耳嘴鼻。 |
| 7. | Trying to convince you the killer could be a girl 她想让你确信杀手可能是女的 |
| 8. | I believe she accurately described the killer 我认为她准确的描述了这个杀人犯 |
| 9. | First of all ! we must using wang to capture the killer 首要任务是利用王凯歌抓住犯人 |
| 10. | The psychiatrists declared the killer insane 心理医生宣称杀人犯精神失常了。 |