| 1. | Terracotta warriors - a fantastic tourist attraction in china 中国旅游文章选读 |
| 2. | Scene 5 aria pleading for love from terracotta warriors . hao weiya 第五幕爱的请求-兵马俑音乐 |
| 3. | Let us go to xi an to have a look at the museum of qin terracotta warriors 让我们到秦兵马俑博物馆去看一看。 |
| 4. | The 6 , 000 terracotta warriors and horses are arranged in neat formation in pit no . 1 一号坑内整地排列着6000余件兵马俑。 |
| 5. | A panorama photo of the terracotta warriors guarding the tomb of the first emperor , qing shihuangdi , and other 一幅声势浩大的秦始皇陵兵马俑摄影作品让您感到古代土陶的辉煌。 |
| 6. | Shirac predicted that the qin terracotta warriors would become a major historical site to attract overseas tourists to china 他预测秦俑将成为今后海外游客旅游中国的主要原因。 |
| 7. | Hrh the duke of york visits the terracotta warriors museum in xian , one of the worlds most important archeological discoveries 约克公爵参观了西安的兵马俑博物馆一项世界重要的考古发现。 |
| 8. | More than terracotta warriors could soon be heading west : china arts and entertainment is anxious to redress the cultural trade deficit 比兵马俑很快就可以向西:中国艺术和娱乐是急于纠正文化贸易逆差。 |
| 9. | Anker joergensen , prime minister of denmark , commented : " the terracotta warriors are so vivid and look differently from each other . 正如丹麦首相安高约恩森所说: “秦俑的面目各不相同,真是到了神的地步。 ” |
| 10. | The rea1istic sty1e of terracotta warriors and horses , which serves as a transitiona1 art style in china s history of sculpture has aroused worldwide interest 秦俑的写实手法作为中国雕塑史上的承前启后艺术为世界瞩目。 |