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tell me now who′s behind the rain
现在告诉我  detail>>
tell me who′s behind the rain
告诉我谁在雨幕之后  detail>>
and tell me now
现在告诉我  detail>>
so tell me now
请现在就告诉我  detail>>
tell me now
走了  detail>>
but let me tell you now
但是现在让我告诉你  detail>>
tell me who sent you here
告诉我是谁让你闯入我的心  detail>>
tell me
告诉我 后要求陈述句语序 你说 我们罗源话唱的歌 要求间接引语 叶俊岑  detail>>
tell me that
这么说 这么做  detail>>
then tell me to
也许有点儿不合潮流  detail>>
they tell me
他们告诉我  detail>>
tell me tell me what is it
告诉我它是什么?  detail>>
tell them who you are
告诉他们你是谁  detail>>
who can it be now
现在会是谁呢  detail>>
who s sorry now
现在谁抱歉  detail>>
fielder who stands behind the batter
接球手  detail>>
get thee behind me
退到我后边去罢  detail>>
leave me behind
留下了我  detail>>