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eat in or take away
店内吃或外卖 饮料仅供外卖  detail>>
Ne =neon 【化学】氖。  detail>>
 vt.  (ate; eaten ) 1.吃;喝(汤)。 2.蛀;腐蚀;消磨。   短语和例子   ...  detail>>
eat at
困扰  detail>>
eat in
侵蚀 蛀坏;腐蚀;消耗  detail>>
eat into
腐蚀, 侵蚀  detail>>
eat of
吃...中的一部分, 吃一些.. 吃…中的一部分 吃一些  detail>>
to eat
吃东西  detail>>
to eat in
在家吃  detail>>
ne a ne b
字符串a值不等于字符串b值  detail>>
eat to live but not live to eat
来也匆匆 去也匆匆 人吃饭是为了活著 人吃饭是为了活着  detail>>
live not to eat but eat to live
也让别人活着 自己活着  detail>>
love not to eat, but eat to live
活著唔系为左食,而食系为了活著  detail>>
albuquerque ne
阿尔布开克内  detail>>
camptotheci ne
喜树碱  detail>>
chi ne
芝尼  detail>>
create the ne
创建网元  detail>>
hon ne
内岛  detail>>