Holders for sliding guide die sets of fine blanking die with fixed punch . shroud rings for pressure plate of center pillar set 精冲模固定凸模式滑动导向模座.中间导柱活动模板
Holders for anti - friction bearing die sets of fine blanking die with fixed punch . shroud rings for pressure of center pillar set 精冲模固定凸模式滚动导向模座.中间导柱活动模板
Holders for sliding guide die sets of fine blanking die with fixed punch . shroud rings for pressure plate of diagonal pillar set 精冲模固定凸模式滑动导向模座.对角导柱活动模板
Holders for anti - friction bearing die sets of fine blanking die with fixed punch . shroud rings for pressure plate of diagonal pillar set 精冲模固定凸模式滚动导向模座.对角导柱活动模板