| 1. | Work areas were not sharply demarcated but extremely fluid and changing . 工作范围并无明显区分,但流动性极大。 |
| 2. | The ulcer is shallow and sharply demarcated , with surrounding hyperemia 溃疡表浅、边界清晰,周围有充血。 |
| 3. | The tumor is sharply demarcated from the surrounding renal parenchyma as can be seen in this low power scan of the glass slide 低倍镜下可见肿瘤与周围肾实质之间有着明确的分界线。 |
| 4. | Here are two more sharply demarcated " punched out " ulcerations of the mid esophagus in an immunocompromised patient with herpes simplex infection 单纯疱疹病毒感染的免疫抑制病人,食管中部有两个边界明显的穿孔性溃疡。 |
| 5. | The lower esophagus here shows sharply demarcated ulcerations that have a brown - red base , contrasted with the normal pale white esophageal mucosa at the far left 食管下段显示有边界清楚的溃疡,与左边正常的苍白色食管黏膜相比较,溃疡基底部呈红褐色。 |
| 6. | Microscopically , the ulcer here is sharply demarcated , with normal gastric mucosa on the left falling away into a deep ulcer whose base contains infamed , necrotic debris 显微镜下,溃疡边界清楚,左边正常的胃黏膜脱落形成一个深的溃疡,其基底部有炎症和坏死碎片。 |
| 7. | A clinical observation showed a slightly elevated and sharply demarcated plaque with vertical vessels seen on end straddling the upper cornea and superior limbus of left eye 病患61岁男性,左眼轮部及角膜上半部长一片稍呈隆起的斑块,病理切片检查证实为结膜上皮原位癌已侵犯角膜。 |
| 8. | All gastric ulcers are biopsied , since gross inspection alone cannot determine whether a malignancy is present . smaller , more sharply demarcated ulcers are more likely to be benign 胃镜小溃疡。所有的胃溃疡都作了活组织检查,因为仅肉眼检查不能决定是否是恶性。小的有明显分界的溃疡很可能是良性的。 |