| 1. | Selected words of international higher engineering education the first series 国际高等工程教育撷英第1辑 |
| 2. | And find out the meaning of the selected word or words right after the test 按钮就可知道你所选单词的意思。 |
| 3. | Search the mail database for two randomly selected words every iteration 每个循环搜索邮件数据库,查找两个随机选择的单词。 |
| 4. | Selected words , phrases , and sentences can be printed for practice when you are away from your pc 使用者还可以列印单字及句子,不在电脑旁边的时候也可练习使用。 |
| 5. | In the embed mode , user can select word float or sink mode , background mode , word mode , copy stop mode according to the requirement 在埋入方式中,用户可以根据需要选择黑白底纹方式,背景方式,文字方式以及防拷贝文字方式。 |
| 6. | There are mainly the commonly used words regarding selecting words , which is based on the syllabus of chinese words , not beyond the first and second - degree words 在词语的选择上,以常用词语为主,选词范围基本上以《汉语水平词汇等级大纲》为本,不超出甲乙两类词语。 |
| 7. | Tools which have been successfully developed include " dictionary widget " ( a dictionary software which can be activated in every web page ) and " wordlist " ( your own online list of selected words ) 已成功开发的工具包括"字典精灵" (一个可以在所有网页启动的字典软件)和"词库" (一个可以记录你的词汇的网上名单) 。 |
| 8. | To reinforce english learning , users can benefit from esl english as second language tools from our affiliated e - learning company cleverlearn ; you can subscribe to a free account emailing a daily word reminder of selected words and create your own personal vocabulary account to store words learned from the movie 英语学习者可以从cleverlearn提供的电子学英语习工具中受益匪浅。您可以注册免费帐号通过email获得每日word reminder ,创建自己的个人词库,将电影中学到的单词储存其中。 |