| 1. | Gangs who roam the streets in search of their next victim 流氓团体漂泊在街上寻找他们的下一个受害者 |
| 2. | " nowhere " , a man and a woman roam the streets of a foreign land in search of lost time “ ya ”女子被抛弃了,女性朋友为了安慰她,与她一同骑单车前往一个地方 |
| 3. | Children roaming the streets because there ' s nobody at home or paying enough attention 孩子们在街头闲逛,因为家里没有人,或者没有人对他们表示出足够的关心。 |
| 4. | For 26 years , a man known only as secret santa has roamed the streets every december quietly giving people money 二十六年来,一位神秘的圣诞老人在每年的12月默默地送钱给行人。 |
| 5. | Mother , believing that little johnny can look after himself , is not at home when he returns from school , so little johnny roams the streets 母亲认为小约翰尼会照料自己,在小约翰尼放学回家时,妈妈不在家,于是,小约翰尼便在街头游荡。 |
| 6. | Bonfires , a rural custom , hark back to the sacred bonfires of samhain ( sah - win ) , though today serve as a place to gather and warm up after an evening of roaming the streets 篝火,一个农村风俗,追溯到邵恩节神圣的篝火,虽然今天作为整夜漫游街道后聚集的地方。 |
| 7. | Keep britain tidy said the rodents were abandoning their traditional haunts underground and were roaming the streets , enticed by discarded remnants of burgers , pizzas and crisps “保持英国清洁”组织说,人们抛弃的汉堡包比萨饼和土豆条残渣正在诱使习惯在地下活动的鼠类转而到大街上漫步。 |
| 8. | Past president james lacy introduced the children opportunities grant when he was president . he spoke passionately of the millions of children who roamed the streets every night looking for food and shelter 前国际扶轮总社社长雷施益( jameslacy )在任期间推动成立的儿童发展基金( childrenopportunitiesgrant ) ,致力于为世界各地百万计流连街头,三餐不继,居无定所的儿童,尽点绵力。 |
| 9. | She roamed the streets and loitered on the pavement in quest of a five - franc piece , just as when she was a slipshod baggage years ago . one sunday at la rochefoucauld market she had made her peace with satin after having flown at her with furious reproaches about mme robert 一个星期天,娜娜在拉罗什福科菜场碰到萨丹,愤怒地冲到她的面前,当着她的面,把罗贝尔夫人骂了一顿,然后两人又言归于好了。 |