due diligence: 谨慎处理/恪尽职责尽责调查尽职调查指为了达成承销一笔证券发行的目的,针对某公司或企业的业务、财务状况和前景(包括其面对的主要风险) 而进行的一个全面的调查。尽职调查一般可分为业务尽职调查和法律尽职调查两类。尽职审查;仔细审查;仔细审核精准审核克尽职责勤勉尽责审慎性调查实地审查适当的注意适当努力投资项目审查严格评估应尽的努力应有的关注应有的审慎注意义务恪尽职守
Groyne is a common measure used in channel improvement . it will give rise to serious consequence if the design of groyne is improper . to go deep into study of the variation of flow feature in river due to building groyne is extremely necessary 丁坝是航道整治中常见的工程措施之一,但若设计失当,可能带来许多严重后果,对丁坝所形成的许多水流条件变化开展深入研究是十分必要的。
People started to realize the importance of selecting a comfortable and elegant environment to live in at the beginning of clan . early people prefer to living near mountains and rivers due to the incline to natural material and nature of closing the inhabited region 选择优雅的居住环境,是人类聚落定居时就开始意识到的,早期人类的聚居强调依山傍水,应该说是一种依赖天然物质条件和贴近生存地的自然属性。