The government has prepared an emergency response plan with a three - level response system . regular drills have been conducted to test the plan 政府已制定一套分为三个应变级别的紧急应变计划,并定期进行演习以测试计划。
Regular drills and exercises will be conducted to ensure and review the adequacy of the procedures and staff competence 此外,地铁公司及有关政府部门会定期进行事故演习及训练,以检讨运作程序是否妥善及确保职员的应变能力。
A procurement office was set up in the finance and administration division in september 2002 to achieve higher cost - effectiveness and to tighten control over procurements . regular drills were organised in office evacuation and the activation of the back - up facilities to familiarise colleagues with contingency plans and communication arrangements in case of emergency 于2002年9月,财务及行政处设立采购组,以提高成本效益及加强对采购事项的管控。金管局定期举行撤离办事处及启动后备设施的演习,使员工熟习应变计划及紧急事故的通讯安排。