Soon the rainbow snake heard a sobbing as he is awake 当彩虹蛇再次醒来时,它听到了一个呜呜的哭泣声。
There is a rainbow snake living among these stories . he used to sleep in the deepest place of the planet and only get up one time for a century 故事星球上住着一条彩虹蛇,它沉睡在故事星球的最深处,一百年才醒来一次。
The rainbow snake goes into the deepest place to sleep again . he believes there will be a whole new planet after a century and he will see a lot of new stories when he gets up again 彩虹蛇又回它的冰层深处去睡大觉了,它相信,再过一百年,当自己醒来的时候,肯定会看到一个和现在完全不同的星球,而这个星球上,是永远也不会缺少新的故事了。