Studies of proton pump inhibitors and tumor resistance to antitumor drugs 质子泵抑制剂与肿瘤耐药研究
This is possible because stomach acid is needed to help the body absorb calcium - proton pump inhibitors work by slowing the production of stomach acid 这项研究结果是可能的因为机体需要胃酸帮助吸收钙而质子泵抑制剂通过减少胃酸的产生发挥作用。
The applicability of endoscopic therapy in bleeding peptic ulcer is greatly enhanced with the discovery of helicobacter pylori and powerful ulcer healing drugs such as proton pump inhibitors 另一方面,随著确立了幽门螺旋菌对胃病的影响及一些有效的治疗胃溃疡药物的成功研制,内镜治疗的用途更广泛。