Chinese translation for "periodic meeting"
- 定期会议
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | We also hold periodic meetings regarding copyright protection developments as well as media hardware working group sessions and social gatherings to discuss various issues 并且还定期举行关于版权保护的开发进度的会议及包括媒体和硬件公司的会议及对各种课题进行分科的会议。 | | 2. | The board monitors the group s progress on corporate governance practices . periodic meetings are held , and circulars or guidance notes are issued to directors and senior management where appropriate , to ensure awareness of best corporate governance practices 董事局监察及检讨集团之企业管治常规,于合适情况下向董事及高级管理人员发出通告及指引,以确保其对企业管治常规之警觉性。 | | 3. | Besides the catechetical correspondence course offered by the central council of catholic laity including text model and web model , it is hoped that other institutions diocesan audio - visual center and diocesan laity formation office etc . can make use of information technology , to produce multi - media catechism revision courses , by means of self - learning cds and websites etc . , emphasizing interaction and interest . such courses can even provide teachers who will hold periodic meetings as follow up for the learning process 除教友总会的再慕道课程文字及网上版外,有关机构教区视听中心及教区教友培育办事处等可利用资讯科技制作多媒体再慕道课程,透过自学光碟及相关互联网,强调互动和趣味,甚至有导师定时跟进学习过程,询问有关进度等,课程内容以生活和信仰整合为中心。 |
- Similar Words:
- "periodic mean annual increment" Chinese translation, "periodic mean annual intermediate yield" Chinese translation, "periodic measurement" Chinese translation, "periodic mechanical vibration" Chinese translation, "periodic medical review" Chinese translation, "periodic merit rating" Chinese translation, "periodic metering" Chinese translation, "periodic method" Chinese translation, "periodic migration" Chinese translation, "periodic model" Chinese translation