report: vt.1.告知,报告,汇报;报导(新闻、调查结果等);发表,公布,发表公报。2.传达(人的话);转述;传说,传闻;品评。3.记录(讲演等以备发表)。4.(向当局)报到(等);揭发,告发(某人不法行为等)。 It is reported that .... 据说…,据传…。 He was reported killed. 据说他已阵亡[被杀]。 reported speech
You can then run end - of - period reports on the snapshot 然后便可以在快照上运行期间要结束时创建的报表。
Only data on salary adjustments and additional payments relating to the survey period and additional payments for the 12 months before the survey period reported belatedly are included in the calculation of the pay trend indicators 只有调查期内的薪金调整及额外酬金数据,以及调查期前12个月迟报的额外酬金数据,才