The book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry . 这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。
He had all the illumination of wisdom and none of its pedantry . 他具有智慧的一切光辉,却没有丝毫学究的迂腐气息。
In fact, butler had not escaped the tinge of pedantry which naturally flowed from his education, and was apt, on many occasions, to make parade of his knowledge . 事实上,巴特勒并没有摆脱他所受的教育传染给他的学院气,在许多场合卖弄学识。
Pedantry in novels of mid - qing dynasty 清中叶小说创作中的炫学之风
Rooted deeply in chinese societies , these jokes expose all kinds of ugly social phenomena such as greed and deceit , flattery and cruelty , and pedantry and ignorance . meanwhile , jokes also reflect people s resourcefulness and humour 笑话以社会生活为背景,揭露了当时社会上存在的贪婪狡诈,阿谀奉承迂腐愚昧等各种丑恶现象,也表现了人们的机巧和幽默。
Characteristics of zeng guofan ' s petitions to the throne had differences in different periods , namely , loyalty and pedantry in the early period , vehemence and stubbornness in the middle period , experiencedness and plainness in the late period 曾国藩奏疏不同时期有不同特点:前期奏疏:忠戆迂直;中期奏疏:激切、倔强;后期奏疏:绵里藏针、缜密老到、平淡质实。
He was continually away on tours about the three provinces that were put under his command ; he was punctilious to pedantry in the performance of his duties , severe to cruelty with his subordinates , and entered into the minutest details of the work himself 他经常出巡由他负责管辖的三个省份,执行任务时极为认真,对待部属严厉到残忍的程度,而且事事都亲自办理,不疏忽最为微末的细节。