Speelman replied by asking for the monopoly of the trade of johore and pahang . 施贝尔曼在答复中要求取得对柔佛和彭亨的贸易垄断。
Attended the 58th anniversary dinner of the associated chinese chambers of commerce & industry pahang 会长卢成全出席彭亨中华工商总会庆祝成立58周年纪念暨庆贺彭亨苏丹殿下75岁华诞联欢晚宴。
The famous pahang gold brooder ( tag ending 1555 ) , picture taken under the reflection of overhead netting 极度著名的彭亨金金底过背种亲鱼(微型晶片702033330001555 ) 。照片是在上面挂网的倒影中拍摄。
This article , combined with the experience during my visit in malaysia from pahang state , to selangor water engineering , the first phase of prince city river protection project , a river tunnel project , elaborates the appliance of fidic contract terms in our overseas perambulation and design contracts 本文结合我在实习过程中参与的马来西亚彭亨州至雪兰莪州州际供水工程、太子城河道防护一期工程、马来西亚某过江隧道的工作实践,对fidic合同条件在我国涉外勘查设计合同中的应用作了分析。