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number of days’ sales in receivables
应收账款周转天数  detail>>
number of days in receivables
应收账款收款天数  detail>>
number of days sales in receivable
应收帐款的收款天数  detail>>
number of days’ sales in inventory
(存货销售周期):反映销售额和存货额之间的关系,等于年末存货除以每日平均销售成本。 存货销售周期  detail>>
days receivables ratio
每日应收款比率  detail>>
ratio of net sales to receivables
净销售额对应收款项比率 销货净额对应收款项比率 销货净额对应收款项的比率  detail>>
number of days
天数  detail>>
days sales in accounts receivable
应收账款收款天数  detail>>
days sales in inventory
存货销售天数  detail>>
days sales outstanding
平均收帐期间 收款天  detail>>
days sales outstanding (dso)
应收账款天数  detail>>
days sales outstanding ratio
日销货未收款比例  detail>>
days’sales outstanding dso
收回应收账款的平均天数  detail>>
average number of days to turnover
平均周转天数  detail>>
expected number of days
预计天数  detail>>
number of clear days
晴天天数  detail>>
number of days different
相差天数  detail>>
number of days of snow cover
积雪天数  detail>>