The newmarket stakes is always a popular race . 纽马基特赛马总是吸引很多人。
Dartie, who had travelled to newmarket the night before, arrayed himself in spotless checks . 达尔弟头一天夜里就赶到纽马开,穿了一身整洁的格子呢衣服。
The newmarket stakes is always a popular race 纽马基特赛马总是吸引很多人
The going ( ie the surface of the race - track ) at newmarket is soft today 今天纽马基特的跑道湿软
Birth place : newmarket , ontario , canada 出生地:加拿大多伦多
All of our producers , brad , clark , meagan , mark , donald , sammy lee , everybody at media 8 , bob and everybody at newmarket , thank you so much for working so hard on this film 我们的所有制片人,布拉德、克拉克、马根、马克、唐纳、萨米-李,以及所有在“ 8 ”工作的人,鲍博和所有在新市场工作的人,非常感谢你们在这部上所付出的努力!
All of our producers , brad , clark , meagan , mark , donald , sammy lee , everybody at media 8 , bob and everybody at newmarket , thank you so much for working so hard on this film 我们的所有制片人,布拉德、克拉克、马根、马克、唐纳、萨米-李,以及所有在“媒体8 ”工作的人,鲍博和所有在新市场工作的人,非常感谢你们在这部电影上所付出的努力!
Researchers from the university of cambridge , the animal health trust in newmarket , and the bam federal institute of materials research and testing , berlin , have discovered that the characteristic toughness and stiffness of bone is predominantly due to the presence of specialized sugars , not proteins , as had been previous believed 来自剑桥大学、纽马克特动物健康信托投资基金和柏林德国联邦材料研究与测试研究所的研究人员发现,骨骼的韧性和刚度主要取决于特定的糖类成分,而非以前认为的蛋白类成分。