| 1. | I should be ashamed to show my face in public . 我不好意思抛头露面。 |
| 2. | She yawned gracefully in my face . 她娇嗔地对着我的脸打了一个哈欠。 |
| 3. | The air was warm and swooning about my face . 暖烘烘的空气飘拂在脸面。 |
| 4. | A second time my face sank in her belly . 我的面部又一次扑近她的腹部。 |
| 5. | I hate lights being shone in my face . 我不喜欢灯光正对着我的脸。 |
| 6. | I could feel the wind blowing on my face . 我可以觉出风迎面吹来。 |
| 7. | You said that i'm very good. is my face red ? 你说我很好,真使我难为情。 |
| 8. | My face turns dead with boredom . 我终因无聊厌烦,憋得面呈死色。 |
| 9. | The sun shone hot and full in my face . 强烈的阳光热辣辣地正照在我的脸上。 |
| 10. | I instinctively raised my arm to protect my face . 我本能地抬起手臂护着脸。 |