Yet business and industry looking at gallatin will find affordable land in municipally owned industrial sites , together with a willingness to work and build for the future 加勒廷市将为那些欲在该市大展宏图的企业家和商人提供良好的工业用地,并将携手共创加勒廷市美好的明天。
Aiming to restructure liuzhou to be a urbanized commercial hub , which centrally affects guangxi , facilitates south - western china and southeast asia , it has been planned to municipally map one central district and six satellite neighbor - hood districts in liuzhou in the next 10 years . conditionally , mordern logistic industry will become new incremental factor 柳州市要在未来十年内把柳州建设成为一个中心区、六个特色街区的布局,并且使柳州成为辐射广西、面向西南和东南亚的流通型城市,对此,现代物流产业将成为柳州未来发展的一个新的经济增长点。