Concrete right to merchandize secret right 商业秘密权的具体权利
No matter how merchandize the production , the time which is needed by society all can be allocated to the social necessary labor - time 社会是按照在各种产品上需要满足程度相同的原则,在社会可支配的劳动时间中分配各种产品的社会必要劳动时间。
You can redeem your points from a wide range of exciting gifts and rewards including cash vouchers , merchandize , lifestyle privileges and hotel stays 积分可用作换取一系列为您悉心搜罗的奖赏,包括现金购物券精选礼品生活消闲优惠及酒店住宿等。
" contemporaneous with the price revision , the speedpost time certain service to singapore will be extended to include merchandize , gifts and samples 陆炳泉补充:除减收附加费外,往新加坡的特快专递特级服务亦同时扩展至接受投寄商品、礼品及样本。
The import by the united states of quality and affordable chinese merchandize has alleviated the inflation pressure and saved american consumers nearly $ 20 billion every year 中国大量价廉物美的商品出口到美国,缓解了美国的通胀压力,每年为美国消费者节省近200亿美元。
Department stores are made up of many departments under one roof , each dealing in one group of merchandize such as home appliances , furniture , food , cosmetics , sportswear , etc 百货商店由同?屋檐下的许多门市部组成,每?个门市部经营?种商品,诸如家电、家具、化妆品、运动服等等。
However , since china is in the transitional period from merchandize economy to market economy , the independent identity of farmers has not been established , which is the economic reason of the lack of civil awareness 然而,目前我国正处于从商品经济向市场经济的过渡时期,农民的市场主体地位还尚未确立,这是公民意识缺失的经济根源。
By that time , foreign merchandize , capital , technologies and multinational corporations will make their way into hu bei market , bringing opportunities for private economy development as well as unfavorable influences 到那时,外国商品、资本、技术以及跨国公司将纷纷进入湖北市场,这既给我省民营经济发展带来机遇,同时也会造成诸多不利影响。