| 3. | Prestatitis is male reproduction disease and the most common influence disease , infiuence source is infected from skin , has scorching tonsil , through respiretoly tract stomach intestines infuence vinus , through biood circlating amival prosttete , wfh vanious famous and preoious piant shnewd oil prescniplon , sif infitraion passesthrough professionai skl inio fhe helenced homone andfat of biood cycle , eliminate ohstacle 前列腺炎是男性生殖疾病,最常见感染性疾病,感染源来自皮肤感染,扁条体炎,透过呼吸道,胃肠感染病毒,通过血液循还到达前列腺,采用多种名贵植物精油配方,强力渗透进人体脂肪,平衡激素,通过专业手法,体外按摩前列腺所对应的区域,促进血液循还,消除障碍 |