| 1. | Louis cheung it support , 张华邦(资讯科技支援) |
| 2. | Tony lui and louis cheung were tasked to coordinate the operation from the command centre 吕树桐和张华邦驻守行动指挥中心负责协调工作。 |
| 3. | Louis cheung noted : " to carry out a photo identification exercise was not difficult in itself , but the accompanying procedures were complicated 张华邦补充说:相片认人并不难但手续却十分烦琐。 |
| 4. | The three were placed in isolation ward in siu lam prison and were barred from mingling with other inmates . investigators tony lui , louis cheung and another colleague were assigned to take witness statements from them 为了方便廉署人员接见他们以录取口供,三名毒犯被安排独立囚禁于小榄监狱小榄作特别看守,禁止与其他囚犯接触。 |
| 5. | " i was on my way back to the office after work , louis cheung recalled . " when i saw a group of people swarming towards the direction of the hutchison house , i immediately smelled trouble and dashed back to my office 张华邦用手比划著当时情况:我刚刚在外工作完毕回来,看见一群人正向著和记大厦蜂拥过来,心知不妙,匆匆跑回办公室。 |
| 6. | In the nascent years of the icac , experienced investigators were mostly expatriates from overseas law enforcement agencies . louis cheung and tony lui were among the few local officers in the investigation teams 廉署成立初期,较为资深的调查员均以外籍人士为主,多来自外国执法机构,而张华邦和吕树桐是当年调查小组中少数的本地成员。 |
| 7. | " siu lam is a remote place not easily accessible by public transport , louis cheung recalled . " early each morning we would gather at our office in central and set off in our departmental car together 现已退休的前首席调查主任张华邦忆述当年情景:小榄地处偏僻,交通十分不便,我们每天大清早先返回中环办公室,再一同乘坐部门车辆前往。 |
| 8. | Retired icac principal investigator louis cheung who had taken part in the fruit market investigations recalled : " the yau ma tei fruit market was an ideal venue for running a drug trafficking business . it covered a vast area lined with numerous fruit stalls and stands that offered a huge number of heroin " mining hiding points " . most people entering the market were familiar faces , so strangers were easily spotted 曾参与油麻地果栏案调查工作的前首席调查主任张华邦说:油麻地果栏具备地理优势,占地广阔,摊档数目多,易于埋雷即收藏白粉进出果栏的都是熟人,陌生面孔很易被认出而且内街纵横交错兼出入口多,倘若遇到执法人员追捕,也易于逃窜,是易守难攻之地。 |