Reminds one of the longboats they would run . . 让我想起了他们在班特里湾上. .
Reminds one of the longboats they would run 让我想起了他们在班特里湾上
Since then , its members have been embroiled in a decades - long argument over whether to dust off their longboats 自从那时起,该组织的成员就被卷入了一场旷日持久、关于是否应该允许捕鲸人重操旧业的争论。
The viking longboats that arrived here in 982 relied on the stars and the sun to maintain their orientation 斯堪的纳维亚人的海盗小艇在公元982年就抵达格陵兰岛,他们能保持航向靠的只是星星与太阳的位置。
From the port one can ride on a replica of a viking longboat and even help row it back to the dock , a delightful workout in the cool breeze 人们可以从港口搭乘仿造的北欧海盗式大船,还可以乘着习习凉风,划着船返回码头,真是一项令人愉快的户外锻炼。