length: n.1.长,长度,长短。2.(时间的)长短,期间。3.(赛艇的)一艇的长度;一马的长度。4.程度,范围。5.【板球】球程;投至适当距离的球。6.【语言学】音长。7.一段,一节。短语和例子a dress length, a length of cloth 一段料。 a length of pipe [tubing] 一节管子。 The boat won by three le
Note : as you are setting up your system , you need to fine tune the various parameters of the focal length equation until you achieve the right combination of components that match your inspection needs and meet your cost requirements 注:当你设定你的系统时,你需要微调焦距方程式的各种参数,直至你达到配合你观察所需和迎合你价格要求之配件的正确组合。