| 1. | The film is based on the real - life experience of jim carroll , played by the excellent leonardo dicaprio , who kept a diary through his slide into drug oblivion as a teenager . the young carroll is budding writer and possible future nba player until he becomes a drug addict . gradually things get worse . . 流浪街头中遇上亦师亦友的黑汉韦基,韦尽力引他回归正路,无奈为满足毒瘾,占连自尊也放弃了,占再回家求母亲,但换来的却是一口闭门羹,占终被捕及送入戒毒所,他感受到被人遗弃的感觉,但会从新做人还是希望被人遗弃呢 |