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i don’t have any money
我没有钱  detail>>
i don’t have any brothers or sisters
我没有兄弟姐妹  detail>>
i don’t see any on the shelf
架子上也没有  detail>>
i don’t have a car
我没有车  detail>>
i don’t have a prescription
我没有药方  detail>>
i have much money
我有很多钱  detail>>
do i have any messages
有人给我留言吗  detail>>
i don’t know if i’ll have the patience
我不知道我有没有耐心  detail>>
i have enough money in hand
我手头有足够的钱  detail>>
i don’t need money fortune or fame
女孩,我不需要金钱财富和名誉  detail>>
any money
多少钱都行  detail>>
i have a nice sum of money put away
我存了一大笔钱  detail>>
today i have been to send money
今天出门汇款  detail>>
i dont have much money but boy if i did
我不该有很多钱,但如果我做男孩  detail>>
have no money
没钱 没有钱  detail>>
for love or money at any price
无论付出多少代价  detail>>
hardly any money
几乎没有钱  detail>>
is there any interest on this money
这笔透支要利息吗  detail>>