Chinese translation for "heteromorphosis"
- 变异再生
畸形 形态变异 异形化 异形形成 异形再生
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Caitu ; structural steelwork ; heteromorphosis steel products manufacturing and processing 彩涂板;钢结构;异型钢制品制作、加工。 | | 2. | Because of the disperse location and data safety , each system create a database in his own lan for own use , therefore it come into being a typical heteromorphosis distributed database model 由于地理位置分散,也为了数据安全,每个系统都独立建立数据库,有各自的内部局域网,是一个典型的异构分布式数据库模型。 | | 3. | Renqiu city chaoyi die manufacturing limited ( former hebei province xu zhuang metal mould plant ) my production is the standard set of components ( wiredrawing , laguan , pull rods , 1 . 60 , four , and pulls , molding , and other various heteromorphosis 300 multiple ) professional manufacturers of products to the major national and medium - sized cities 任丘市超艺模具制造有限公司(原河北省许庄五金模具厂)是我国生产全套标准件模具(拉丝、拉管、拉棒、六角、四方、拉拔、各种异型模具等300多种)的专业厂家,产品销往全国各大、中型城市。 |
- Similar Words:
- "heteromorphic rocks" Chinese translation, "heteromorphic segmentation" Chinese translation, "heteromorphic transformation" Chinese translation, "heteromorphism" Chinese translation, "heteromorphite" Chinese translation, "heteromorphous" Chinese translation, "heteromorphous flower" Chinese translation, "heteromorphous lichen" Chinese translation, "heteromorphous lymphocyte" Chinese translation, "heteromorphous mating" Chinese translation