Some taxonomists, particularly those working in herbaria and providing an identification service, do need such specialized expertise . 有些分类学家,尤其是从事标本室工作和为鉴定服务的分类学家,确实需要这类专门知识。
Search the database of authors who contributed to the contents of the catalog of type specimens in the harvard university herbaria -由中研院植物所省立博物馆与本中心合制而成,照片由郑元春组长提供,文字内容由植物专家撰写。
" after repeated field observations , a review of the literature and comparisons of specimens in herbaria worldwide , the species was confirmed new to science in 2003 经多次野外观察、文献考究和比较各地植物标本室的标本后,终于在二三年确定这品种为科学上的新品种。
A preliminary analysis of geographical elements of the lichen genus pertusaria from china is given in the text . of the forty - five species , seven ( 15 % ) are endemic to china , two ( 4 % ) are cosmopolitan , nine ( 20 % ) are circumpolar , eight ( 17 % ) are pantropical , seven ( 15 % ) are eurasian , five ( 9 % ) are east asian - north american , seven ( 15 % ) are east - asian and two ( 4 % ) are sino - himalayan . all the specimens examined by the writer are deposited in the following herbaria : hmas - l , hkas , nnu , abl , canl , w and sdnu 本研究所检查的标本保存于以下标本馆:中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆( hmas - l ) 、中国科学院昆明植物研究所隐花植物标本馆( hkas ) 、南京师范大学植物标本室( nnu ) 、加拿大自然历史博物馆( canl ) 、奥地利维也纳自然历史博物馆( w ) 、荷兰cbs的标本室( abl )以及山东师范大学植物标本室( sdnu ) 。
Based on the studies of specimens , taxonomic revision of the genus kadsura jussieu has been finished with special reference to seed morphology . other information from phytomorphology , phytotomy , phytoembryology , phytocytotaxonomy , molecular systematics and phytochemistry etc . has also been considered during the revision . more than 1 , 100 specimens from 11 herbaria worldwide have been examined 本文主要根据对世界范围南五味子属kadsurajussieu植物标本的研究,结合种子形态方面的实验数据,参考植物形态学、植物解剖学、植物胚胎学、孢粉学、植物细胞分类学、分子系统学和植物化学等方面的资料,对世界性南五味子属植物作出全面的分类学修订。
On the basis of examination of more than 2000 specimens ( including types ) from 15 herbaria worldwide , the characters features of species , phonological phase , ecoloigical habit and the relation to close species were analyzed , recorded and described , the disputed species were compared , measured and counted in detail , the quantitative analysis to different characters was done through dot - map , the variation pattern of major morphology characters was analyzed and their significance for a better delimitation of the species was evaluated 查阅或借阅国内外17个标本馆近2000份标本(包括模式标本) ,描述了每个种的性状特征、物候期、生态习性及其与近缘种的关系,确定性状的极性,对有争议种的形态性状进行详细的测量和比较,用散点图对个别性状作定量研究,分析了主要外部形态学性状的变异式样、变异幅度及其对划定物种范围的价值。