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have rocks in one’s head
有毛病  detail>>
have a head
头痛  detail>>
have no head for
在某方面缺少天分  detail>>
have but one
只有一个  detail>>
have it in one
能够  detail>>
have one
吃食堂 穿反了袜子 电烫头发 既想留着蛋糕,又想吃(既要鱼,又要熊掌) 剪头 帽子戴歪了 钱包被偷 手底下工作多 扎根于...  detail>>
you have one, i have one
你拍一,我拍一  detail>>
get [have] swelled head
头脑发胀  detail>>
have a cool head
头脑冷静  detail>>
have a good head for
有...的才能 有才能  detail>>
have a hard head
有注重实际的头脑, 顽固  detail>>
have a head for figure
数字概念强  detail>>
have a head for mathematics
有数学头脑  detail>>
have a head full of bees
想入非非,异想天开, 头脑有点不正常  detail>>
have a head like a sieve
记忆力极差  detail>>
have a level head
保持镇定  detail>>
have a long head
有远见  detail>>
have a swelled head
自大  detail>>