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give one’s word to somebody
向谁发誓  detail>>
give somebody one‘s word
向某人保证  detail>>
give the word
说出通行口令  detail>>
give somebody a black eye
把某人的眼眶打青 打得某人乌眼青  detail>>
give somebody a bluff
吓唬某人  detail>>
give somebody a break
饶了某人  detail>>
give somebody a buzz
给某人打电话 给某人挂个电话  detail>>
give somebody a clue
给某人一条线索  detail>>
give somebody a dressing down
严加训斥 严厉训斥  detail>>
give somebody a hand
帮……的忙  detail>>
give somebody a little room
给谁一个空间  detail>>
give somebody a ride
让某人搭车  detail>>
give somebody a ring
给某人打一个电话  detail>>
give somebody both barrels
大声臭骂,狠狠指责  detail>>
give somebody the air
给甩了  detail>>
give somebody the axe
解雇某人,开除某人  detail>>
give somebody the gate
让某人滚开  detail>>
give somebody the mitten
拒绝某人的求婚  detail>>