You know , i ' ve always liked that word , " gargantuan . 我一直都挺喜欢这个词, "巨量
Gargantuan asteroid to pass near earth this fall 大量小行星今秋将与地球错身而过。
Two more of the massive beasts swung a gargantuan battering ram against the city ' s main gates ( ? )另外两只粗壮的食人魔则摇动着庞大的攻城锤撞向主城大门。
My gargantuan , pristine machine was good for writing papers and playing solitaire , and that was all 我那庞大的、早期的计算机只适合写文章和玩纸牌游戏,就这些。
These gargantuan crabs were once affected by dark energy of heresh , but now cured by shalassa 这些很大很大很大很大很大的螃蟹曾经被赫勒什的黑暗能量感染,但现在他们被沙拉萨治愈了。
Rather than blowing their reserves on gargantuan schemes , arab and asian governments are investing it , relatively professionally 阿拉伯和亚洲国家并没有囤金自重,而是进行投资,看起来还挺专业。
He said a problem experienced by the scientific community was one of capacity rather than the already gargantuan challenge of finding a accine 他提到了一个科学界的共识,就是没有比研制疫苗更困难的事了。
Rather than blowing their reserves on gargantuan schemes , arab and asian governments are investing it , relatively professionally 为了避免他们的外汇存底无限制膨胀,阿拉伯及亚洲政府将这些资本相对专业的进行投资。
We made more than 10 , 000 of these slides , a gargantuan task that chen and his technicians threw themselves into with optimism and energy 我们做了上万片这样的玻片,陈均远和他的技术人员怀著希望,为这庞大的任务投入了无比精力。