Campaign - a public education and publicity programme of the government on natural disaster reduction and prevention in 2005 第一台开心日报合办的热带气旋命名比赛,是2005年特区政府防灾减灾公众教育宣传计划
The tropical cyclone name nomination contest is part of the " safer living " campaign - a public education and publicity programme of the government on natural disaster reduction and prevention in 2005 热带气旋命名比赛是二五年特区政府防灾减灾公众教育宣传计划晴天行动的一项活动。
The tropical cyclone name nomination contest is part of the safer living campaign - a public education and publicity programme of the sar government on natural disaster reduction and prevention in 2005 热带气旋命名比赛是二五年特区政府防灾减灾公众教育宣传计划晴天行动的一项活动。
The tropical cyclone name nomination contest is part of the safer living campaign - a public education and publicity programme of the sar government on natural disaster reduction and prevention in 2005 热带气旋命名比赛是二五年特区政府防灾减灾公众教育宣传计划晴天行动的一项活动。有关晴天行动的活动详情可浏览网页