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delicacy gt
粗制  detail>>
 n.  1.优美;精巧,精致。 2.柔弱,脆弱。 3.敏感;审慎,周到,体贴。 4.微妙;棘手。 5.美味,好菜。 6...  detail>>
GT = Gran Turismo 高级跑车。  detail>>
cornflower = delicacy
矢车菊 = 小鸟依人  detail>>
delicacy - crudity
细腻  detail>>
delicacy cucumber
时鲜黄瓜 早春黄瓜  detail>>
delicacy street
精品街  detail>>
scale of delicacy
精密阶3  detail>>
gt a gt b
字符串a值大于字符串b值  detail>>
feel a delicacy about
感到棘手  detail>>
four-delicacy balls
四鲜丸子  detail>>
fresh and tender; delicacy
鲜嫩  detail>>
high class delicacy
高档的美味  detail>>
the delicacy of her features
她那清秀的容貌  detail>>
three-delicacy abalone
三鲜鲍鱼  detail>>
three-delicacy soup
三鲜汤  detail>>
alfa gt
阿尔法gt 阿尔法罗米欧  detail>>
alpha gt
阿尔法gt  detail>>