| 1. | Preferable debt structure low debt rate 较好的负债结构负债率比较低 |
| 2. | Implied debt rating 隐含债务评级 |
| 3. | Moody ' s debt rating 穆迪债券评级 |
| 4. | As a main part of corporate financing structure theory , debt maturity structure theory mainly studies the optimization of the long - term debt rate and short - term debt rate 债务期限结构理论是企业融资结构理论的一个重要组成部分,它主要以企业长短期负债的优化组合为研究重点。 |
| 5. | Chibor is a comparatively realistic choice as the benchmark interest rate , but rediscount rate can ' t serve as benchmark interest rate and at present choosing national debt rate as the benchmark interest rate is not suitable , either 摘要同业拆借利率作为基准利率是比较现实的选择,而再贴现率无法充当基准利率,目前国债利率也不宜选作基准利率。 |
| 6. | The minimum requirements in respect of the debt ratings assigned by fitch ibca for laf purpose are a - for bank issues and a for non - bank issues . the hkma reserves the right to make adjustments to these minimum rating requirements from time to time 就流动资金调节机制下进行贴现而对fitch ibca给予的债券评级最低要求,以银行发行的债券而言,为级,如属非银行机构发行的债券,则为级。 |
| 7. | The minimum requirements in respect of the debt ratings assigned by tbw for laf purpose for the time being are a for bank issues and aa - for non - bank issues . the hkma reserves the right to make adjustments to these minimum rating requirements from time to time 就流动资金调节机制下进行贴现而对汤臣百卫给予的债券评级的最低要求,以银行发行的债券而言,目前为级,如属非银行机构发行的债券,则为级。 |
| 8. | The thesis ' s background based on cvicse ' s enterprise credit project - - enterprise credit report system . the system is empoldered to meet the guangdong development bank ' s demand . it ' s purpose is to improve the national bank ' s compete level , depress bank ' s bad debt rate 本文以中创软件公司的企业征信项目? ?企业征信上报系统( enterprisecreditreportsystem , ecrs )为背景。该系统是由中创软件公司应广东发展银行的要求而开发。 |
| 9. | So far , the property rights misplacement of four to p state - owned commercial banks is still unsolved , leading to the distort of banks " control , banks " bad - debt rate , growth of credit granting risk , worsened operation and influenced granting abilities 企业对项目的急于上马,盲目投资,给银行带来的风险,银行家的口头承诺给企业带来的损失,都影响了双方的关系。从政府对中小企业的政策来看,政府缺乏对中小企业的扶持。 |
| 10. | By the end of 2002 , the bad - debt rates of the bank of china , the industrial and commercial bank of china , the construction bank of china are 22 . 37 % , 25 . 52 % , and 15 . 36 % . because of its heavy burden year by year , it has not seen announced for the agriculture bank of china ' s bad - debt rate that is expectedly much higher . third , with simple business structure , state - owned commercial banks see increasingly decline of their monopolizing position 截止2002年底,中、工、建的不良贷款率分别为22 . 37 、 25 . 52 、 15 . 36 ,由于历史包袱太重,农行的不良贷款率至今尚未公布,估计还要高出许多;三是银行业务结构单一,垄断地位不断下降;严格的分业经营模式不但没有降低系统风险,反而可能进一步加大金融风险;最后, 2001年12月11号中国正式成为wto的一员,国有商业银行面临更加巨大的挑战。 |