couch: n.1.〔诗〕床,卧榻。2.躺椅,长沙发椅〔背部比沙发低〕。3.休息处;(兽)窝,窟,巢穴。4.【绘画】底子。5.【酿造】麦芽床。短语和例子a studio couch坐卧两用沙发。vt.1.横躺着(身体),使横卧〔常用被动〕。2.挺着(枪)。3.表述,暗含(真意),暗示(要求等)。4.【医学】除去白内障。 短语和例子be couched on a bed of flowe
But so far , there have not report about forest soil microbe and soil enzymatic activity in westen sichuan . the study ' s object is bitch forest . spruce forest , fir forest , chrysanthemum alp , willow community and two couch grass , so the research of the soil microorganisma , soil enzymatic activity in the subalpine coniferous forests in western sichuan is significant to china . the result shows that : 1 . in the soil , the relativity of the soil microbial puantity is very prominence , the relation with the quantity of the soil microorganism is that : bacillus > actinomyceto > fungi ; the amount of the microorganism of physiological group sequence ranging from high to low is : aminate > bacteriumazotobacter > denitrify bacterium > nitrobacteria > cellulose decomposing bacteria . under the different vegetable community , the microbial quantity is that : s5 > s7 > s6 > s1 > s2 > s4 > s3 其中,各群落中土壤微生物总数以白桦纯林( s5 )群落最多,每克干土中的含菌量达66 . 13 10 ~ 6个;其次是冷杉针叶林( s7 )群落,每克干土中的含菌量达43 . 41 10 ~ 6个:第三是云杉针叶林( s6 )群落,每克干土中的含菌量达42 . 85 10 ~ 6个;第四是绣线菊-茅草群落( s1 ) ,每克干土中的含菌量达33 . 83 10 ~ 6个;第五是高山柳群落( s2 ) 、茅草( s4 )群落,每克干土中的含菌量分别为33 . 33 10 ~ 6个和33 . 08 10 ~ 6个;第六是茅草群落( s3 ) ,土壤微生物数量最少每克干土中的含菌量仅为23 . 12 10 ~ 6个。
It is general to bind up the fish that is washed clearly with fragrant couch grass at first , then place to roast in the fire , and put on just the right amount of lard , while roasting , the aroma four overflow , the fish flavor that roast out thus come into nostrils , the fish is frailty , the flavor is fresh , beautiful and special 香茅草烤鱼也是一道傣族风味菜。一般先将洗净的鱼裹上味道芬芳的香茅草,然后置于火上烧烤,并抹上适量的猪油,烤时香气四溢,这样烤出来的鱼香味扑鼻,鱼肉酥脆味道鲜美独特。