And the chassis number of the special purpose vehicle which the applicant will drive (或车辆行驶许可证号码)及车辆底盘号码
A total of 15 left - handed drive vehicles valued at about $ 7 . 5 million were found . six of them had the chassis numbers altered 行动中起回十五辆总值约七百五十万元的左?车,其中六辆车的底盘已被改动。
Ensure that the chassis number vin shown in the registration document is legible and stamped onto the chassis or main structure 确保登记文件上所载的底盘号码车辆识别号码清晰可读,以及已盖印在底盘或主要结构上。
Trailer chassis number identification vecon - chassis vecon - chassis is designed to recognize and record trailer chassis numbers 拖车底盘号码识别慧光底盘号码自动识别系统vecon chassis是设计用来识别和记录货柜车底盘号码。