And another oddball is bill . especially when it comes to food . can you believe it . he even puts catchup on his ice cream . talk about oddballs 另外一个很怪的人是比尔.特别是在吃东西方面.你信不信.他吃冰淇淋的时候竟然还要加蕃茄酱.真是什么怪人都必须有
And another oddball is bill , especially when it comes to food . can you believe it , he even puts catchup on his ice cream . talk about oddballs ! 另外一个很怪的人是比尔,特别是在吃东西方面。你信不信,他吃冰淇淋的时候竟然还要加蕃茄酱。真是什么怪人都有!
And another oddball is bill , especially when it comes to food . can you believe it , he even puts catchup on his ice cream . talk about oddballs 这句话的意思是: “另外一个很怪的人是比尔,特别是在吃东西方面。你信不信,他吃冰淇淋的时候,竟然还要加蕃茄酱。真是什麽怪人都有! ”
" and another oddball is bill , especially when it comes to food . can you believe it , he even puts catchup on his ice cream . talk about oddballs ! 这句话的意思是: “另外一个很怪的人是比尔,特别是在吃东西方面。你信不信,他吃冰淇淋的时候竟然还要加蕃茄酱。真是什么怪人都有! ”