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a bridge
一座桥  detail>>
and bridge
与型桥接  detail>>
 n.  1.桥,桥梁;【造船】舰桥,船桥。 2.鼻梁;(假牙上的)齿桥;【音乐】弦柱,弦马;【电学】电桥;【机械工程】天车,桥架;【台球】球棒架。 ...  detail>>
in bridge
并联 跨接 桥接  detail>>
or bridge
或桥接  detail>>
形电桥  detail>>
the bridge
金门大桥 子母桥-下集  detail>>
bridge to bridge
桥间滑水赛  detail>>
beam bridge, girder bridge
梁桥  detail>>
bridge approach; approach bridge
引桥  detail>>
bridge bearing bridge support
桥支座  detail>>
bridge bearing;bridge support
桥支座  detail>>
bridge opening; aperture of bridge
桥孔  detail>>
bridge opening; bridge arch
桥拱  detail>>
bridge pylon, bridge tower
桥塔  detail>>
bridge tie bridge sleeper
桥枕  detail>>
bridge to bridge communication
驾驶台对驾驶台通信  detail>>
bridge to bridge radio telephone
驾驶台驾驶台无线电话  detail>>