| 1. | She would lose both breasts and wear a prosthetic bra 将失去乳房,戴修复文胸。 |
| 2. | Both breasts removed , still shooting junk 两个乳房都切去了,还在经营毒品 |
| 3. | Both breasts removed , still shooting junk 两个乳房都切去了,还在经营毒品 |
| 4. | Low - dose x - rays of both breasts are taken in 1 ( oblique ) or 2 views ( oblique and craniocaudal ) 检查乳房时采小剂量射线,一个(侧位)或两个(侧位及轴位)投照位置。 |
| 5. | The study also included two double - mastectomy cases in which both breasts had been remoed to preent cancer recurrence 此研究包括了两个作双乳房切除来预防复发的病例。 |
| 6. | The disease surpasses both breast and liver cancer in incidence , and is second only to lung cancer in mortality 大肠癌是本港男性及女性的第二号癌症杀手,发病率已超越乳癌和肝癌。 |
| 7. | If you take the pill for more than eight years you have an increased risk of both breast cancer and cervical cancer 如果你服用避孕药超过8年的时间,那么你害上乳腺宫和子宫癌的风险就会加大。 |
| 8. | However , the practice has many side effects , including severe pain and abscesses , infections , breast cancer , and even the complete disappearance of one or both breasts 然而,这项手术仍有许多副作用,包含强烈疼痛、长脓疮、感染、乳癌甚至是一边或两边胸部完全停止发育。 |
| 9. | Offering both breasts at each feed ( foremilkhindmilk imbalance ) the baby will be irritable , demands frequent feeds in spite of the mother s abundant milk supply , brings back his feeds , & passes explosive watery stools & flatus 尽管母亲乳量充足,婴儿却总是吃不够而要求吃奶,并且显得烦躁不安;排出大量稀便和腹气(放屁) 。 |