| 1. | And you can be skilled at a talent 你可以在某种天赋上变得很在行 |
| 2. | He is skilled at playing basketball , baseball and other sports 他擅长打篮球、棒球和其他的运动。 |
| 3. | A person who is skilled at convincing others of believing in fraudulent schemes 擅于蒙骗并使人进入骗局的人。 |
| 4. | They are skilled at doing more with less and at attracting resources from others 用较少的资源做更多的事以及吸引他人的资源,他们都得心应手。 |
| 5. | Aquarius and gemini work well together - - they are skilled at formulating and implementing new plans 水瓶座和双子座一起工作很好他们熟练的在拟定和实施新计划。 |
| 6. | Those in capital intensive industries are skilled at applying return on investment and breakeven analyses 那些资本密集行业的分析师长于应用投资回报和盈亏平衡分析。 |
| 7. | Amazingly for the british , who love queues , there is no formal line - up ? ? the bar staff are skilled at knowing whose turn it is 就爱排队的英国人而言,酒吧里看不到正式的排队,这令人感到惊讶。 |
| 8. | Every organization is a social community and , as a result , employees have to be skilled at working with others to get things done 每一企业都是一个社区,因此雇员们都应善于与他人共事,把工作做好。 |
| 9. | For example , analysts responsible for departmental budgets are skilled at using variance analyses and activity - based costing ( abc ) techniques 例如,负责部门预算的分析师长于运用偏差分析和基于作业的成本( abc )技能。 |
| 10. | Like many other researchers , we selected a virus as our delivery vehicle , or vector , because viruses are skilled at smuggling genes into cells 我们和其他许多研究者一样,选用病毒做为运送基因的工具(或称载体) ,因为病毒擅长将基因夹带进入细胞。 |