| 1. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震引起了有震感地区居民的恐慌,那里消防员正在扑火。 |
| 2. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震惊吓了当地居民,就连与大火奋战的消防员也感受到了。 |
| 3. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震令这一地区的居民感到恐慌,扑火的消防员也感觉到了地震。 |
| 4. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震引起了地震及其所波及地区居民的恐慌,那里消防员正在扑火。 |
| 5. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 震动使该地区的居民恐慌,并让这些地区的救火人员感觉生活在地狱。 |
| 6. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震给当地居民造成恐慌,连在当地救火的消防员也感受到了地震的余威。 |
| 7. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震在该地区引起了居民的恐慌,在消防员与火灾博斗的现场也能感觉到震动。 |
| 8. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震的到来使当地居民惶恐万分,甚至连与大火抗争的消防员也感到了地面的震动。 |
| 9. | The quake panicked residents in the region and was felt in areas where firefighters were battling blazes 地震使该地区居民人心惶惶,甚至连身处其它地区正奋力扑火的消防员也能感觉到地面震动。 |
| 10. | Ten years ago : fire crews were battling blazes covering more than 16 , 000 acres in california , colorado , idaho , oregon and utah 十年前:大火在加利福尼亚、科罗拉多、爱达荷、俄勒冈和犹他州漫延,超过16 , 000英亩。 |